[[misdirection]] is pretty good for stuff like [[abrupt decay]], which can't target Zur obviously, but does target all the good enchantments Zur gets. ^Zur the Enchanter [Combo Locks, Necropotence, Stax/Control] ^Damia, Sage of Stone [Laboratory Maniac Combo] *% 5C [Hivemind] (obviously just copy pacts to end the game] *% 5C [Masspolymorph/Tooth and Nail Combo] (Any 2 card creature based combo + protection Grand Abolisher/Sylvan Safekeeper, etc) Narset Combo Turns: Jeskai Combo Master: 8/30/2020 Urza, Lord High Combomaster: Jeskai Combo Master: 8/30/2020 Zur Necropotence: Cthulhu: 8/28/2020 The Ravager: Ramphile: 8/28/2020 S06E02 - Thrasios / Vial Smasher: Playing With Power MTG: 8/27/2020 S06E02 - Lazav [[swan song]], [[stifle]], [[spell pierce]], [[misdirection]]: It's important to have a lot of extremely cheap counterspells to help protect Zur. Join our Newsletters. If the combo is general-dependent, we can use a [[gilded drake]] for after they cast the general. Once you have established control, decide if you can protect a [[helm of obedience]] long enough to take out three opponents. Then, establish control. Today, however, Zur will show the world that he can rebel as well. [[Arcane Laboratory]] and [[Rule of Law]]: these are pretty asymmetrical since you can tutor with Zur every turn and it isn't a spell-cast. Rebels who find each other, helmed by Zur the Enchanter, who finds us even more goodies. Next, try to play Zur while you can hold up at least 1 counterspell for him; or give him haste immediately. Betrayed desires and a piece of the game. Your life total will become -100 or so, so make sure you win that turn! [[containment priest]] vs. [[massacre]] : I think these depend on how much graveyard reanimation you have going on in your meta. This can be awkward to set up a [[helm of obedience]] win with no land; however if there's a ton of other stax elements in play, Armageddon works pretty good with the Zur Voltron beatdown plan. Another option here is [[spirit of the labyrinth]] which can come in against a draw-focused metagame. Gain 20 life? Gaining life and drawing cards with [[necropotence]] also provides infinite fuel for [[solitary confinement]], which is pretty key in a lot of games. Additional Rules for 1v1 play: - Players start out with 30 life. If you're running against fewer green and graveyard decks, but more storm, you might need to make some changes. I'd be able to theoretically craft a great hand, fill up my yard and hold onto protection until my turn when I combo off if I haven't already. Urborg also lets you get around a lot of tricky things, like it lets you tap [[ancient tomb]] or [[mana confluence]] without taking damage; it lets you get mana out of fetch lands while someone has an [[aven mindcensor]] or a [[root maze]]. Similarly, [[gemstone caverns]] is awesome in a deck that wants to get out to fast start and then draw a lot of cards. This is a competitive EDH deck for competitive metagames. [[vanishing]]: this card is kind of marginal and sort of mana-intensive, but it can protect Zur from anything. It's basically like having a [[chalice of the void]] which resets itself to a random number in (0,1,2) every turn; and that number isn't even revealed until an opponent tests it. You can even do this before getting [[necropotence]]. Similarly, you can also run [[porphyry nodes]], which will hit Zur unless you get [[empyrial armor]] on him. Most competitive EDH decks have 35-45 spells of 1 or 2 CMC. They play a lot of mana elves. If you intend to combo with it, you have to wait at least a turn unless your whole combo can be played at instant speed. A Zur storm deck leverages the ability for Zur to fetch Necropotence as well as threaten wins from hand with ad nauseam and consultation. Neither player would be able to untap. Tutoring out Necropotence, drawing a ton of cards and bouncing Necropotence that same turn during end step. They all play a lot of creatures. It's possible you can cast one of these from your hand and do it faster. Although Stasis has some upside, it couldn't win the game alone, and its downside features would have to be addressed regardless. After all, you only kill one person a turn cycle! [[As Foretold]]: This is mostly good if your opponents are going to play some stax stuff that might really hurt us, like stoney silence, null rod, blood moon, or back to basics. These were great. Zur, the Enchanter [Commander] Magic: The Gathering Multiplayer & Variant Format Deck Discussion (EDH/Commander, etc.) If your life is low and you're in a lot of danger, get an answer, like [[grasp of fate]], or if you have some other draw engine going, [[solitary confinement]]. Its also possible to surprise people with a huge Zur attack. Please give me any feedback on the primer or deck here or on tappedout. Try [[rule of law]] or [[spirit of the labyrinth]]. Plus it allows anything - barring a short ban list - from any expansion set over the years; the game is rapidly approaching its 30th anniversary. It's not quite good enough on its own. 4 Ashen Ghoul. You usually want to be fetching out [[rest in peace]] at some point anyway. [[necropotence]] + [[empyrial armor]] + [[thought vessel]] / [[reliquary tower]]: You can frequently one-hit someone if you draw 20 cards with necropotence and don't have to discard them. But besides that, it makes people slow down; nobody tries to combo through a counterbalance because it just feels so terrible to lose their spells to it. Finally, set up for one of the wins. But, if all your opponents play an elf, [[porphyry nodes]] will stay around forever just giving you value. Subscribe to get the latest information on your favorite games. There's a lot of 1-CMC and 0-CMC counterspells, and two haste-cards.

zur necropotence combo

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