'The world is your oyster!' Recommend to friends. The World is your Oyster The OnTrack Group Main menu. Read more quotes from Chris Gardner. “The world is your oyster. Friends Who Liked This Quote. It reminds me of similar idioms, such as the sky's the limit and Shakespeare's line, the world's mine [your] oyster. Captain Sir Tom Moore gives rousing speech to 300 junior soldiers passing out of basic training as he conducted his … You Tommy Cooper. We like his version better. for "The world has to be your oyster" (it's your duty and responsibility to yourself to have it all). The world is your oyster, to me that means we have the opportunity to make a whole strand of pearls, taking the ugly irritant and turning it into something beautiful and priceless. change the world. Posts about Motivational Speakers written by The World is your 0yster. I said Sure, you look great, the world's your oyster, go for it. Pistol's thievish intentions have largely been forgotten, and 'The world's my oyster' has become merely a conceited proclamation of opportunity." In addition, Google Ngram shows that "at your fingertips" (blue line) took hold sometime in the 1950s, a great deal later than the variant "at your feet" (red line). In the words of the jazz musician Wynton Marsalis, this much is true: you are not going to end world hunger, make the world a better place through your incorruptible strength and personal integrity. So I was getting into my car, and this bloke says to me Can you give me a lift? Like, thine world is thine oyster for thine own taking in whicheth thou shall find pearls. I discovered that in order to reach the top you must learn to climb the mountain from different paths and, discovering different paths might lead you to a better opportunities which can lead to a better life. I have grated upon my good friends for three reprieves for you and your coach-fellow Nym; or else you had looked through the grate, like a geminy of baboons. We basically just wanted to write the word pantaloons somewhere. I don't know any other lifestyle. From "Brush Up Your Shakespeare" by Michael Macrone (Random House, New York, 1998). To see what your friends thought of this quote, please sign up! My parents never told me I had to be the CEO of a company, or a doctor, or a lawyer, to consider myself a success, but somewhere along the line I misconstrued "The world is your oyster" (it's all out there, go get it!) The World is Your Oyster. It's up to you to find the pearls.” ― Chris Gardner, The Pursuit of Happyness. Checketh the pockets of thine pantaloons before throwing them in the wash because thou may washeth thine pearls by accident. I realized how small my world was before I met Bao and I have decided to change then I remember that the world is your oyster. If you boast that "The world's my oyster" nowadays, you're claiming that the world's riches are yours to leisurely pluck from the shell. The world is your oyster That's lovely and True The world is your oyster So show me what you can do! Hence I repeat myself: Once again the world is not your oyster. Simply make a difference in your environment. Share this quote: Like Quote. 5 Likes.

the world is your oyster speech

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