Its length is approximately 1 μm. Find more ways to say refractory, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. GERD is a common disease worldwide with the range of estimated prevalence 18.1–27.8% in North America, 8.8–25.9% in Europe, 2.5–7.8% in East Asia, 8.7–33.1% in the Middle East, 11.6% in Australia and … It is Right Atrial Effective Refractory Period. Key Difference – Absolute vs Relative Refractory Period. Action potential of a nerve impulse refers to the phenomenon in which a nerve impulse is transmitted across a neuron.It is a resultant of the difference in concentration of Sodium (Na +) ions and Potassium (K +) ions across the membrane.There are three main phases of action potential; depolarization, repolarization and hyperpolarization. Refractory hypertension was defined as BP that remained uncontrolled after ≥3 visits to a hypertension clinic within a minimum 6-month follow-up period. Definitions. Refractory constipation currently has no recognised definition, but we suggest that it should be considered when patients have no symptom relief after an adequate period of treatment (≥4 weeks per drug or drug combination and ≥3 months for pelvic floor biofeedback therapy). Die Refraktärzeit ist die Zeitspanne, in der man bei einer erregbaren Zelle nach der Depolarisation kein neues Aktionspotential auslösen kann. In males, the refractory period makes it impossible to become physically aroused. Origin: L. Refractorius This entry appears with permission from the Dictionary of Cell and Molecular Biology (11 Mar 2008) Lexicographical Neighbors of Refractory. RAERP - Right Atrial Effective Refractory Period. In human sexuality, the refractory period is usually the recovery phase after orgasm during which it is physiologically impossible for a man to have additional orgasms. 1. See Answer. It is refractory period. Medical Definition of Refractory. Another condition that cannot be termed refractory is recidivant (or recurrent) ascites, a peritoneal effusion that recurs on at least three occasions within a 12‐month period despite dietary sodium restriction and adequate diuretic doses . Definitionen. The National Cancer Institute breaks it down even further to say that there are two main types of refractory … HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Medical Center (MSMC) Renal Division, Department of Medicine Faculty of Medicine, Srinakharinwirot University The 4Rs of Peritonitis: Recurrent, Relapsing Repeat and Refractory 21st July, 2019. Of the 304 patients referred for RHTN, 29 (9.5%) remained refractory to treatment. Definition: The A band is the region of a striated muscle sarcomere that contains myosin thick filaments. Suche nach medizinischen Informationen. Looking for abbreviations of RP? Effective refractory period : a recovery period immediately after stimulation, during which a second stimulus cannot generate a new AP in a depolarized cardiomyocyte. Health Solutions From Our Sponsors. the ventricular blanking can be set to a fixed value or to Auto Automatic ventricular blanking. Learn more. What we think of as the relative refractory period begins, basically, where the functional refractory period ends. Patients with refractory hypertension and those with controlled RHTN had similar aldosterone levels and plasma renin activity (PRA). CONTINUE SCROLLING OR CLICK HERE FOR RELATED SLIDESHOW. 2019 Apr 8;68(8):1420-1426. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciy696. 6:53. absolute refractory period translation in English - French Reverso dictionary, see also 'absolute majority',absolute zero',decree absolute',absolutely', examples, definition, conjugation refractory period listed as RP Inhaltsverzeichnis. The refractory period is the time following orgasm when a person is no longer sexually responsive. Penis Curved When Erect ; Could I have CAD? Refractory definition: Refractory people are difficult to deal with or control, for example because they are... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Absolute refractory period. refractory Bedeutung, Definition refractory: 1. not affected by a treatment, change, or process: 2. difficult to control; unwilling to obey: . Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a chronic condition in which patients suffer troublesome symptoms and/or complications as the reflux of stomach contents occurs. refractory period electrophysiological. This absolute refractory period is made to prevent crosstalk and the detection of the atrial output by the ventricular sense amplifier that would lead to ventricular inhibition. Refractory Myeloma Dr. Damian Green, MD of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, generally defines Refractory Myeloma as: "disease that is progressing despite active treatment." Adequate trial Period of time during which an appropriate dose of medicine is administered, typically at least 2 months at optimal or maximum-tolerated doses, unless terminated early due to adverse effects Modifiers With or without medication overuse, as defined by … Since the bursts of current are given at intervals, we landed just outside the absolute refractory period, it’s possible that the burst of current was given at the exact moment that the cell was emerging from it’s absolute refractory period. refractory period listed as RP Looking for abbreviations of RP? RP - refractory period. 2. Difficult to melt or work;... 2. Interactive Biology 274,384 views. Deutsch. Looking for abbreviations of RAERP? Patients with refractory hypertension and those with controlled RHTN had similar aldosterone levels and plasma renin activity (PRA). Definitions of Resistant and Refractory Cytomegalovirus Infection and Disease in Transplant Recipients for Use in Clinical Trials Clin Infect Dis . The Na + channels are in an inactivated state until the cell fully repolarizes (phases 1–3). Right Atrial Effective Refractory Period listed as RAERP Looking for abbreviations of RAERP? NCI's Dictionary of Cancer Terms provides easy-to-understand definitions for words and phrases related to cancer and medicine. Not readily yielding to treatment. The center of the A band is located at the center of the sarcomere . refractory period definition: The period immediately following the transmission of an impulse in nerve or muscle, in which a neuron or muscle cell regains its ability to transmit another impulse. Poor compliance with medicine or factors such as severe sleep deprivation or alcohol consumption may limit how well medication works. Showing or characterized by obstinate resistance to authority or control: refractory children; refractory behavior. The refractory period is the span of time after having an orgasm during which a person is not sexually responsive. Note: 1. by Ka Deans Report definition Refractory in Medical Dictionary Not yielding, or otherwise not yielding readily, to treatment. 012 The Absolute and Relative Refractory Periods - Duration: 6:53. Refractory period. 1 Definition; 2 Absolute Refraktärzeit; 3 Relative Refraktärzeit; 4 Klinik; 1 Definition. The Value of DNA Tests; SPF and Your Skin Type; AFib … Refractory hypertension was defined as BP that remained uncontrolled after ≥3 visits to a hypertension clinic within a minimum 6‐month follow‐up period. QUESTION What causes tooth decay? The effective refractory period is – by definition –shorter than the functional refractory period if the same stimulus strength and the same coupling intervals of S1 and S2 are used in both measurements. Refractory Period, Electrophysiological: The period of time following the triggering of an ACTION POTENTIAL when the CELL MEMBRANE has changed to an unexcitable state and is gradually restored to the resting (excitable) state.During the absolute refractory period no other stimulus can trigger a response. Medical Definition of Refractory. Properly diagnosed seizures sometimes do not respond even to the best medical treatment. Patients with severe refractory asthma pose a major healthcare problem. 2. by Debroah Neiss Report definition See more. Medical Author: William C. Shiel Jr., MD, FACP, FACR; Refractory: Not yielding, or not yielding readily, to treatment. Medical Information Search. Another word for refractory. refractory period of muscle translation in English - French Reverso dictionary, see also 'refract',refraction',reformatory',reflector', examples, definition, conjugation Over the last decade it has become increasingly clear that, for the development of new targeted therapies, there is an urgent need for further characterisation and classification of these patients. Once More. Such a definition, however, remains somewhat ambiguous as it can encompass conditions that differ in pathophysiological and clinical terms. In fact, the A band is the entire length of the thick filament of the sarcomere. Related glossary terms/phrases: H zone I band M line Z disk. Not all uncontrolled seizures are considered refractory or drug resistant. refractory definition: 1. not affected by a treatment, change, or process: 2. difficult to control; unwilling to obey…. Of the 304 patients referred for RHTN, 29 (9.5%) remained refractory to treatment. This phase begins immediately after ejaculation and lasts until the excitement phase of the human sexual response cycle begins anew with low level response. 2 Absolute Refraktärzeit. Refractory definition, hard or impossible to manage; stubbornly disobedient: a refractory child. It is refractory period. The refractory period can have both mental and physiological effects. Refractory in Community Dictionary what's a place where you could check-out get fractORRZZED. Englisch: refractory period.