“Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it.” “What we have done for ourselves alone, dies with us. At the same time, it is similarly important to remain flexible so that you can make quick adjustments. “Take life one step at a time look forward to your future, stop looking back and regretting the past, the past is the past because it does not last!” – Abhishek Tiwari, 27. “If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.” – Peace Pilgrim, 70. “If I love myself I love you. But think a little further: everyone you meet can teach you in some way or the other an important lesson. “I freed 1000 slaves. The same holds true for finding yourself. At the same time, if you aim too low, if you only reach for the lower hanging fruit, you will never make any progress in life. “Prosperity is not without many fears and distastes, and adversity is not without comforts and hopes.” – Francis Bacon, 155. This moment is your life.” – Omar Khayyam, 9. Different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, different dreams.”- Jimmy Carter, 149. You can allow these things to make you feel miserable and to stop you from pursuing your dreams. But no one else can save you, not really, not from yourself.” ― Ava Dellaira, 42. “The temptation of the age is to look good without being good.” ― Brennan Manning, 91. – Albert Einstein. “For every minute you are angry you lose 60 seconds of happiness.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson, 54. Wise Quotes about Religion. Kalu Ndukwe Kalu. There are some quotes that encourage you to look at things from an entirely different perspective, not previously considered. But, the things we can do to all this part of notes to make it comfort with our soul is IMPROVISE” – LAKSMANA KASTURI, Challenges are what make life interesting. “People do not lack strength; they lack will.” – Victor Hugo, 73. They look at you and see the maladies, the faults they've been carrying within themselves for the longest time. Dalai Lama. Henry Ford. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”― Albert Einstein, 4. 10 positive quotes that will change the way you think about life. “I don’t think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains.” – Anne Frank, 11. 51. “Everybody is a genius. “Look for the thing you notice but no one else notices.” – Rick Rubin, 76. Just as the fire of a single candle can ignite a thousand others without ever dimming, so can you share your happiness without ever losing it. Steve Jobs. Imagination is more important than knowledge.” – Albert Einstein, 124. It is a sign of stubbornness if you’re unwilling to leave the path you have chosen, even if you clearly realize that it won’t lead you to your goals. William G.T. The second one starts when we realize we only have one.” — Confucius, 166. “Happiness is like those palaces in fairy tales whose gates are guarded by dragons: we must fight in order to conquer it.” – Alexandre Dumas, 47. Author Unknown Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news: The news is that you don't know how great you … These are the quotes that make you think for hours. If you go about your life with the attitude that you already know everything there is to know, you may greatly limit your progress. These quotes may confuse due to their confusing language, hidden meaning; or … Without the willingness to become a little better each day, no real progress can be made. But you will always know that in the end, you will learn far more valuable lessons about life than those who are only spectators. Optimism is a choice. Socrates. Steve is the founder of Planet of Success, the #1 choice when it comes to motivation, self-growth and empowerment. Albert Einstein. George Bernard Shaw. “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” ~ Dr. Seuss, 108. Let’s face it, it is almost impossible to encourage people to overcome prejudices, as they are seldom founded in logic. All that matters is how you react to the circumstances of your life. “Don’t let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning.” – Robert Kiyosaki, 125. ... It’s inspired me to create a second collection of inspirational quotes from movies. You get to decide if you want to be angry or happy. Maya Angelou. Letting go and forgiveness are therefore important elements for your recovery. Keira Knightley as Joan Clarke. However, if you don’t get back up, life will keep pushing you to the ground. View Larger Image; Pick up almost any publication and within the pages you’ll find health and safety by numbers. But it could definitely be his quote as well. - Jonathan Lockwood Huie Related topics: Life Human-Nature Psychology We can never be the better for our religion if our neighbor is the worse for it. Happiness is a choice. Your email address will not be published. There are many quotes that make you think more deeply.But the best quotes can help us to see the truth more clearly, love more dearly and guide us on our way. “You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” – Mark Twain, 16. The Polish proverb expresses many different ideas. “I wanted a perfect ending. The safety headlines are indeed typically writ large with statistics of injuries and deaths. They all have in common that they make you think deeply about various aspects of life. At the same time, true greatness cannot be awarded by something external, it has to be accomplished by yourself. Be sure to read that as well. Good quotes always helps to compare our lives situations and show us right path. Listen to understand what is being said. If you always stay in your safe harbor, you will never explore the wonders of the world. “Don’t use yesterday’s state of mind, to make today’s decision.”― C. Nzingha Smith, 101. Enjoy these funny quotes, a laugh and share with a friend. If you enjoyed these ’15 Meaningful Quotes That Make You Think’ check out some more Quotes in my post: ‘Top 10 Motivational Quotes For Work Success‘ George Bernard Shaw. Tell this those people who are standing beside you and try to tell you that you simply cannot appreciate the beauty of something for whatever reason. Think Twice about These Quotes. “The reason why we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind the scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.”- Stephen Furtick, 56. The right quote at the right time can transform your life. But not all of them really made any significant progress in their lifetime. This world does not need followers. Bertrand Russell. No matter how busy your schedule might be, set aside some time in your calendar to think of new ideas and to brainstorm ways to push through your problems. Choose wisely. Anthony Robbins. If you were in a position that these people could benefit from, they would not have hesitated to flatter you in order to get what they want. If people would care less about looking good and started trying to be good, this world could be quickly transformed. Dad would observe him and the way he tackled the task became the standard way that the task was written up. However, if we only care about ourselves, unwilling to make life a little easier for future generations, the society will eventually break apart. Henry Ford, “Speak only if you can improve the silence.” It is always the result of intelligent effort.” – John Ruskin, 151. Perfect for those "I-can't-take-it-anymore-and-need-a-pick-me-up-that-won't-leave- me-in-a-heap-of-caloric-guilt" days. 2) "Without ice … And let’s face it, if you do find an answer to one of these questions, it will be liberating. That they have similar dreams about their lives and that they care as much about their families as you care about yours. With all the pressures of life, spending time to think brings lots of benefits. Dwight D. Eisenhower. 25 Deep Quotes that make you Think #Deep #Quotes. “A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes, 168. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, I will try again tomorrow.” – Mary Anne Radmacher, 118. Nov 24, 2019 - Explore nicole's board "deep quotes that make you think." It happens more often than you might realize. Evil empires rose and committed their horrendous crimes because thousands or millions of individuals did not question their behaviors. It’s not enough to have a goal, to create a strategy and to pursue this strategy with the greatest determination. Take off those rose-colored glasses, friend. George Bernard Shaw. At the same time, there could be other planets in galaxies far away that are populated with microbes and bacteria or even intelligent life. Having plans and goals in life is great. “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t — either way you’re right.” “This life is like a swimming pool. Instead, what it takes is the right encouragement that helps these people to ignite the fire within by themselves. “Great thoughts speak only to the thoughtful mind, but great actions speak to all mankind.” – Theodore Roosevelt, 170. If the people in a society are selfless and care greatly about the well-being of others, the whole society will thrive for decades. Learn how your comment data is processed. In many cases, you will find that you don’t actually need many of the things you have bought. “At school, new ideas are thrust at you every day. “Life isn’t about finding yourself. But you can also accept these elements of your life as given and make the best of your life despite these things. There are no stupid questions. Deep Quotes “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” -Mark Twain “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to … “People who take the sun-lit world of the senses to be good and real are living pitifully in a den of evil and ignorance.” Without this inner fire, nothing great can ever be accomplished. George Carlin famously said that it is a waste of time to argue with an idiot. Number 11 isn’t actually a quote from Buddha. “Many are stubborn in pursuit of the path they have chosen, few in pursuit of the goal.” If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.” See more ideas about Quotes, Me quotes, Life quotes. He said that this is because idiots will drag you down to their own level, where they can easily beat you with experience. 21. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.” — Mary Engelbreit, 173. “Patience with small details makes perfect a large work, like the universe.” – Rumi, 78. “Never interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake.” Wear the good shoes." Don’t you think that the world could be greatly changed if the stupid were a little more honest with themselves about their abilities and the intelligent a little more confident? You can find more at 21 Great Leadership Quotes from Movies. If broken by an inside force, life begins. everyday is full of opportunities,just pick the correct one-Anonymous, “Life is like a jazz music. This is the only way that true change can be affected. “Time is a created thing. It is based on the passage from the Sutra of 42 sections, which reads as follows: “10. Knowing this fact can greatly help you to identify those people who do actually care about you and those who do not. Isaac Asimov. “The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it but that it is too low and we reach it.” – Michel Angelo, 59. Required fields are marked *, 70 Aesthetic Quotes for Deep Instagram Captions, 50 Libra Quotes To Better Understand This Sign, 50 Common Sense Quotes and Words of Wisdom, 50 Quality Quotes to Inspire Continuous Improvement, 50 Inspirational Follow Your Heart Quotes, 50 Intention Quotes to Inspire Positive Energy, 95 Ralph Waldo Emerson Quotes on Living a Great Life, 50 Motivational Practice Quotes to Boost Your Skills, 50 Proud of You Quotes to Celebrate Their Accomplishments, 50 Arrogant Quotes for a Pompous Attitude, Published on October 21, 2020 6:00 AM EST, If you’re ready to look past the surface, reach for these deep quotes to allow you to see more meaning and purpose in life. “ If governments would stop to engage in unnecessary warfare, this world would not only be a better place but many in it could be fed and clothed. I will meet you there. It’s not possible to experience both emotions at the same time. Get back up on your feet and fight back against whatever is holding you down. “Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose.” — Viktor Frankl, 175. “Think big thoughts but relish small pleasures.” — Jackson Brown Jr. 58. At the same time, many battles in life can be avoided by realizing that many people are eventually their own worst enemy. Only those who are willing to take risks will gain something more. The pursuit of money can absolutely ruin a person’s life. No one in this world will remember you for driving a shiny sports car or owning a huge house. Muhammad Ali’s statement is not only fantastic but those who exercise. But every once in a while, you come across a quote that stands out from the rest. Make sure not to read them all at once, but to reflect on the meaning of those quotes that you find interesting. Quotes That Make You Think app for make your mind positive thinking. It’s a fantastic statement that adds to Tyrone Edwards’ wonderful insight about prejudice. He encourages us to critically think about our actions and to question whether or not it is justified what we do. You got to keep going.” – Chantal Sutherland, 114. Bill Watterson. Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain. 25 Deep Quotes that make you Think #Deep #Quotes. While our society progresses, we gather more and more knowledge about the world we are living in. Stephen Furtick on insecurity. Comparisons are almost always unjust. They always remained who they are and struggled with the same issues they have always struggled with. It is, therefore, absolutely important to confront the problems you are facing. The notes will sometimes up and sometimes down. If you want to affect great... 2. Respect is a choice. The opposite is true as well.” – Neil Strauss, 82. You were right, quotes that will change the way you think. Sometimes, it can be greatly helpful to take a step back and reflect how you spend your money. “You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.” — Oprah Winfrey, 160. “You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses.” — Tom Wilson, 63. In order to make the world a better place, we must first encourage others to change their inner lives. It’s not so much what we do and say that leaves an impression on other people. “Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” -John Wooden. Tom Hiddleston’s statement reminds us to always reflect our motives and beliefs. Quotes That Make You Think Twice “Attitude is a choice. “If an egg is broken by an outside force, life ends. They must be felt with the heart.”—Helen Keller, 134. Diogenes. A true sign of intelligence is when you are able to explain complex subjects with easy-to-understand words. But shouldn’t we care for nature just as much as we care about what belongs to us? You can search all you want, but only when you start creating yourself change happens. We need to devote time to thinking to allow us to ponder our plans, actions, and decisions. “Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.”—Roy T. Bennett, 130. Comparisons are almost always unjust. 1. “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” — Mae West, 162. Irrespective of the situation, these quotes will make the person think and uplift him in the time of need. One might participate in these actions without feeling responsible for the overall result. “We suffer more often in imagination than in reality.” – Seneca, 74. Dad said that whenever they had to test making a new or different product he would assign the task to this man. Here we have curated 31 deep and insightful quotes that can change the way you think … “When things go wrong, don’t go with them.” — Elvis Presley, 66. “To say that a work of art is good, but incomprehensible to the majority of men, is the same as saying of some kind of food that it is very good but that most people can’t eat it.” Unjust people will eventually take care of themselves. Dave Ramsey. “You just decide what your values are in life and what you are going to do, and then you feel like you count, and that makes life worth living. Kindness is a choice. Love is an act of faith, and whoever is of little faith is also of little love.” ~ Erich Fromm, 37. I want to have lived the width of it as well.” – Diane Ackerman, 140. “Too many people buy things they don’t need with money they don’t have to impress people they don’t like.” – Dave Ramsey, 174. 26. In some cases, it’s quite difficult to tell. You don’t lose your happiness by sharing it with other people. “Happiness is within. Samuel Johnson. Topic: Quotes that Make You Think, Famous Sayings to Make You Think: Quotes that Make You Think 1 - 2. If you use your failures and mistakes as stepping stones, you can excel your life to great heights. You drown by staying there.” When you smile and think positively about yourself, you can improve your self-confidence. But the quotes do make one think! “Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost.” —Erol Ozan, 132. “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. True greatness can only be accomplished if you fully immerse yourself with that which you are doing. If you want to affect great changes in the world, you must first change yourself. “Love means to commit oneself without guarantee, to give oneself completely in the hope that our love will produce love in the loved person. If you sacrifice too much in order to be one day rich beyond belief, you may eventually come to regret it. “If you don’t like something, change it. This, however, can be incredibly difficult if you hate what you do. And that means that someone can love you again! Tony Robbins. “It’s been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will.”— L.M. “The good life is inspired by love and guided by knowledge.” – Bertrand Russell, 100. The white keys represent happiness and the black shows sadness. The Dalai Lama. Sun Tzu. You dive into the water, but you can’t see how deep it is.” – Dennis Rodman (see more quotes by Dennis Rodman), 148. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” ~ Albert Camus, 40. But the hardest thing in the world is to act in accordance with your thinking.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 84. Ralph Waldo Emerson. “If an egg is broken by an outside force, life ends. “Plants are more courageous than almost all human beings: an orange tree would rather die than produce lemons, whereas instead of dying the average person would rather be someone they are not.” – Mokokoma Mokhonoana, 143. Voltaire, “The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.” Don’t shy away from thinking about challenging your existing belief system. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.” You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once.” – Lillian Dickson, 156. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle, 90. “Do you think it is better to fail at something worthwhile, or succeed at something meaningless.”― Tommy Wallach, 97. It’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so.” – Mark Twain, 158. The one with the egg? “If you don’t like something, change it. This also means that we seldom can force others to live to their full potential. “Let your action manifest your thought, your belief and your passion.”― Mohammed Ali Bapir, 99. The best ones should be labeled “This could change your life.” “The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” – William Faulkner, 135. Although life is busy and full of pressures, you need time to think and reflect upon what’s important. “Even the finest sword plunged into salt water will eventually rust.” ― Sun Tzu, 87. 7 quotes that make you think. If you have the courage to make mistakes you will eventually fail. “With an eye made quiet by the power of harmony, and the deep power of joy, we see into the life of things.” – William Wordsworth, 50. How else did they recognize them in you?” Woody Allen. Carl Sagan. Mary Engelbreit. For me humor is a great enlightening agent. Old ways won’t open new doors. “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Helen Exley. “He who asks a question remains a fool for five minutes. Stephen Furtick. 24. “The fullness of life is only accessible in the present moment.” – Eckhart Tolle, 44. “Life is the flower for which love is the honey.” – Victor Hugo, 81. Awesome, solid and fantastic. Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers. See more ideas about Quotes, Me quotes, Life quotes. However, sometimes there are certain quotes that may simply baffle you. What is instead necessary is that you frequently adapt the path you take in order to make sure that it is still leading you to your goals.