PTCB Exam Practice Test 2. 500 Questions & Answers (PDF Format) PHARMACY TECHNICIAN PRACTICE TEST-According to the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board, in 2017 only 58% passed the certification exam.-Pharmacy … If you are planning on becoming one, then you must pass the PTCB practice … PTCB Practice Test MCQs. Full Set Test (50 Questions) Time Limit: 1 hour) , Start your test now. Use our free PTCB Practice Tests (updated for 2020!) Go ahead, give it a try! If you get it wrong, it will give you the correct answer… If you can pass it with 240 correct out of 340, chances are you will pass the PTCB Exam. Our exams require no registration and include instant scoring and complete answer explanations. Are you ready to take the full length 340-question exam? Each of the following practice tests consists of 50 questions answers… A pharmacy Technician dispenses prescription drugs and other healthcare items to patients as directed by a licensed pharmacist and is tasked with supplying medicines to patients. Today, that is precisely what we will focus on – 5 of the most common PTCB exam questions – their style and complete explained answers. Pharmacy Technician Practice Test 2 Pharmacy Technician Practice Test 2 . The more PTCB practice exam questions you practice, the better. to study for your upcoming Pharmacy Technician exam.Our PTCB sample exams include actual questions and answers and will get you ready. Try one of's free Pharmacy Tech practice tests! How did you do on the 40 sample questions? Test questions afford students the opportunity to not only learn from their mistakes but also plug any gaps in their knowledge – a win-win situation.