I wanted to comment on whether pregnant nurses/techs should be given isolation patients. Evangelista said the woman is pregnant but her status is stable and now on strict home quarantine. The guidance emphasises that pregnant women of any gestation should be offered the choice of whether to work in direct patient-facing roles during the coronavirus pandemic. Still getting combative patients, but with a 1:1 sitter and charge nurse has assisted me … Her son was born with devastating disabilities. Bingo! My ob said that as long as I had chicken pox and my titers were good then it was ok. on another occasion i was about to walk into a room that, unbeknownst to me, held a child with possible measles. Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. Once I had a pt I cared for for 2 days and when I came back after one day off she was on iso for mrsa nars. i work in ltc and just today had a positive influenza come back.....do i refuse to work w/ that resident because i am currently receiving radiation for a malignancy???? CDiff, MRSA, vre, esbl, flu we take all of those and just obviously strictly follow the isolation precautions. If you should become pregnant, be sure to inform your supervisor promptly. I have no problem with drug resistant bacteria (Mrsa, Vre, cdiff, esbl) cuz that stuff is everywhere. It would be impossible to give a pregnant nurse an assignment without an isolation patient. both times i was pregnant, i would never have even thought to request special assingments let alone "hope" someone would step up and offer to to take the isolations. it's what we signed up for when we signed on the dotted line. Just says pregnant women have to self isolate for 12 weeks given we are now in the high risk category... just feel as a nurse I should be stepping up as were all in the NHS together... but at what point do you put your unborn baby and yourself first as I feel like i'd never forgive myself if i put my baby at risk... but of course catch 22 as A nurse I dont want to let my patients down either. Finally, pregnant women should do the same things as the general public to avoid infection. There would be mrsa of the nars pts walking around the halls and, well, you get the picture. Here I was expected to take on two isolation patients. You can, however, develop shingles during your pregnancy if … She told me that if I was working on the floor already as a nurse that I would not be expected to handle those patients either. Here I was expected to take on two isolation patients. I have just come into this issue as well. when pregnant? Pregnant nurses take isolation patients. when i was pregnant i was exposed three times to meningitis...all three presented with atypical symptoms. I was isolated.... First of all, I don’t expect anyone to respond to this. Those are the major ones we watch for. Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac. all three times the staff freaked out on my behalf when it was announced. “She is under close watch by city health workers,” the mayor said. Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. I wanted to slap this stupid desk nurse for putting two pregnant women in that situation. I think that was fair of her. Learn more about: I know when we get house floats in ICU we have to be careful that the patients they get they can handle. Charge nurse didn't want to scrape me up AND have to take my assignment lol. I am 31 weeks pregnant and work on a med/surg floor as an RN. It is usually also mild, but in some cases it can cause severe pneumonia or birth defects in an unborn child if an expectant woman … Nursing … Otherwise, if you're pregnant, expect to use the same set of precautions everyone else uses to avoid contracting the disease your patient has. V Proposed Guidelines for SARS-CoV-2 Testing in Pregnant Patients. There's no reason you can't care for anything but CMV or shingles/chicken pox, I don't think. No problems. The term isolation is commonly used in the sense of segregation of the patient in a single room. Pregnant patients who require care for serious medical conditions are strongly encouraged to maintain or resume necessary appointments. Specializes in Cardiothoracic Transplant Telemetry. If you’re pregnant and you already had chickenpox, you and your baby are safe from exposure to anyone with chickenpox or shingles. i don't know if it's a written thing or not, but pregnant nurses should never be expected to care for isolation pts. Based on what we know at this time, pregnant people are at an increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19 compared to non-pregnant people. By using the site you agree to our Privacy, Cookies, and Terms of Service Policies. This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. Women who are less than 28 weeks pregnant should practise social distancing but … He has a cochlear inplant to help him hear and looks similar to a child with cerebal palsy. Barrier nursing is one of the basic components of patient isolation and can be used on its own or together with the other components. compromised patient Respiratory secretions and lesion contact Airborne and contact precautions The non-immune HCW, pregnant or not, should not care for varicella zoster patients. Nurses are among the most impacted by patients with infections or illnesses that warrant additional precautions. I about had a stroke. I guess what I'm saying is that if there is a feasible way to prevent a pregnant nurse from having a patient on isolation that it probably should be done, but on some units, that would not be possible. I think it all depends on what the isolation is for. I immediately called my OB and they said that if possible I should have another assignment but if that wasn't possible to wear gloves at all times. Anyway, when I was like 8 months, I switched to a LTC for the 8 hour shifts and OMG!! As an ER nurse who delivered my second baby in early 2018, I have done a lot of research about pregnant nurse precautions to be aware of when you work in a hospital. My OB would write a note for just about anything, but I'm not sure that's fair. Clean your hands often using soap and water or … Are you sure you want to delete your comment? Additionally, pregnant people with COVID-19 might be at increased risk for other adverse outcomes, such as preterm birth. Fortunately I wasn't at risk as the patient had been on antivirals for about 10 days and was no longer considered contagious. The uterus is protected by the bones of the pelvis until about 14 weeks, when it becomes an abdominal organ. I looked online and it looks like pregnant nurses are pretty well okay to work with most patients but I say if your unit was being cautious thats great. I’m working on a pediatric unit and I am worried about catching any infections my patients have. On another occasion I was about to walk into a room that, unbeknownst to me, held a child with possible measles. Oncology nurses and doctors may wear gloves, goggles, gowns or masks because they are exposed to chemotherapy drugs every day. My coworkers have been very helpful about not allowing my lift heavy patients.