b. on a desire. “Nothing can be conceived in the world, or even out of it which can be called good without qualification, except a good will”. what is truly good). That duty, in turn, is dictated solely by reason. Kant argues that no consequence can have fundamental moral worth; the only thing that is good in and of itself is the Good Will. What matters to morality is that the actor think about their actions in the right manner. If a man does a good thing like for instance if I sell a product and while billing I can add a few cents but I don’t, then that is a good deed but, the reason to do this will define whether it is moral or not. 'It is impossible to conceive anything at all in the world, or even out of it, which can be taken as good without qualification, except a good will.' 2013, p74). “Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, … Categorical Imperative in the behavior value is the foundation of Kant 's ethics. Kant believed that good will is the only thing that is good in all circumstances. Kant presented the three main points that are the two Categorical Imperative and Good Will. Courage, health, and wealth can all be used for ill purposes, Kant argues, and therefore cannot be intrinsically good. The Good Will thus consists of a person’s free will motivated purely by reason. Kant sought after criticism of pure reason, to found an a priori science of behavior and morality, thus answering the question: What should I do?. In this book, Kant explains his message and ideas by providing examples and proving himself throughout the entire book that morals are an important aspect in life as well as why they are expressing the principles behind this concept. We might be tempted to think that the motivation that makes an action good is having a positive goal–to make people happy, or to provide some benefit. Goodness cannot arise from acting on impulse or natural inclination, even if impulse coincides with duty. Kant claims that acting (as opposed to having an involuntary spasm) presupposes that one acts a. for a reason. A person is morally good when they perform an act motivated by the desire to do one's duty, simply for the sake of duty alone. What we can control, however, is the will behind the action. Modifica ), Stai commentando usando il tuo account Google. You can do anything for many reasons, but the will to do good is the only way to be moral. An action from duty (which, as we have seen, Kant regards as the most resplendent example of the good will) does not have its moral worth “in the aim that is supposed to be attained by it” (Ak 4:400). No outcome, should we achieve it, can be unconditionally good. ( Chiudi sessione / When we act, whether or not we achieve what we intend with our actions is often beyond our control, so the morality of our actions does not depend upon their outcome. (Ibid., 398) Likewise, in another of Kant’s carefully studied examples, the kind act of the person who overcomes a natural lack of sympathy for other people out of respect for duty has moral worth, whereas the same kind act of the person who naturally takes pleasure in spreading joy does not. ( Chiudi sessione / Nevertheless it matters on what it is and the attitude you behave on it (Shaw et al. Kant means that a good will is " good without qualification " as such an absolute good in-itself, universally good in every instance and never merely as good to some yet further end. For Kant, the supreme thing on earth is the development of a good will, and to act from a sense of duty. First, Kant begins to distinguish between things that are good without qualification and things that are good only under certain qualified conditions. E.g. (Sec I. Immanuel Kant HUM 400 12 Jun 2010 Kant 's "Good Will" Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) is one of the most influential philosophers in history of Western philosophy. In his explanation of this, he writes: It is impossible to conceive anything in the world, or indeed out of it, which can be called good without qualification save only a good will. According to Immanuel Kant the driving force behind our actions should be dictated by what is inherently good as sole consideration and not be based upon the effects of what such actions may produce such as the case in the consequentialist theory of cause. So it is the recognition and appreciation of duty itself that must drive our actions. Kant then further explains that because absolute good only comes from goodwill wheres emotions, whether being a factor of an act, is never absolute.