This seems drastic but it is the only way to rejuvenate … Most raspberry plants flower late in the spring, and bear their fruits in early to mid summer. A mower works well for larger beds as long as it's set high enough so the crowns of the plants, which are the shortened stems from which the leaves arise, are not injured. In late autumn, once your raspberry bush is no longer bearing fruit, prune the raspberry canes that bore fruit. Red raspberry plant propagation comes from primocanes, or raspberry suckers, and may be transplanted in the spring when they are 5-8 inches (12-20 cm.) It's harmful to most plants, so take care not to spray plants you wish to keep. Once your plants arrive, plant them immediately. Raspberry bushes are easy to grow and yield … If you are running into sick and dying plants you can revive them and get them growing and producing again with these 4 simple steps. In early spring, prune your raspberry bushes to a height of 4 to 5 feet. The results will indicate if you need to amend the soil. An alternative approach is to move the black raspberries to another location b/c it is so easy to propagate them, and revive … You can pull the plant out and it usually comes out with lots of root attached. In mild areas, you could also plant in late autumn to give the plants a head start. If your garden drains quickly, spread mulch around the root bases to help retain moisture and discourage weed growth. Remove all raspberry canes that have gray, dull brown or peeling bark. Spread fertilizer along the soil where your raspberry bushes are planted. Raspberry bushes grow best in well drained, slightly acidic soil. All Rights Reserved. Raspberries prefer rich, well-drained soil. Water a thirsty plant. So, dig or pull, whichever you feel like. Spread fertilizer along the soil where your raspberry bushes are planted. Single raspberry plants can be grown in 38cm (15in) diameter containers of 80 per cent multipurpose compost and, to add weight for stability, 20 per cent loam-based potting compost, tying the canes to bamboo canes. When fertilizing the raspberry plants, be careful not to over -fertilize. Using the homemade organic fertilizer on the facing page allows the plants … Providing a trellis for your raspberry bushes will make it easier for you to harvest ripe fruit. Regardless, plant the canes (branches) 20 inches apart and rows 5 feet apart. In the first year of growth, the raspberry develops a primocane. Cut back on watering during the winter. Bring as much of the roots as possible Along the same lines as the tip above for plant preparation, preventing shock means when digging up the plant, make sure as much of the roots as possible is brought up with the plant. The plants will grow in part shade, but will not produce as much fruit. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Prune any individual damaged roots before planting. Getting your raspberry bushes to bear fruit is a rewarding task. Get in touch. Check the plants that are dead, then plants that are showing symptoms that you describe and finally those that are not yet showing symptoms and compare them. In early spring, prune your raspberry bushes to a height of 4 to 5 feet. Water thoroughly after transpla… Red and Yellow Raspberry Plant Spacing. Raspberries will be ready for harvest in late summer or early autumn. tall. Best in Kentucky Great Outdoors Worth The Trip, Byron Crawford Commonwealths Gadgets & Gizmos Kentucky Kids Smart Health Uniquely Kentucky, Incentives & Rebates Co-Operations Cutting Cost Energy Guides KAEC CEO Our Power. Black raspberry cuttings propagate quite easily, which you can read about in this article.