Digital Products. 3.2 Several Treasury Board policy instruments set out Government of Canada accessibility requirements for IT (see subsection 5.3) including the Policy on Service and Digital (effective April 1, 2020), the Policy on Management of Information Technology and the Standard on Web Accessibility . Meets user needs 2. Apply for a brand exemption; Badges; Brand applications; Colour and palettes; Government of Yukon logo; Illustration guidelines; Photography guidelines; Request a new graphic; Supporting graphics; Typography; Creating content view child links. Graphic elements; Guidelines; Social Media; Changelog; Welcome! Five recommendations to help the Canadian public sector develop a digital strategy. the Government of Canada Digital Standards, which promote building in accessibility from the start. If you’re still having trouble deciding, email visual.design@gov.yk.ca for assistance. Fonts; Guidelines; Official website. The visual identity guidelines in this document ensure that a service provider is recognized as part of the Employment Ontario network. WHO points out that this is a valuable complement to face-to-face-interactions, but … Typography; Elements; Scaling; Video. Home; Logo. This guideline is intended for all Government of Canada departments, agencies and organizations that acquire or develop IT solutions and equipment, including web content. Offers value for money (not necessarily the cheapest … Apply the same rules for illustration as for photography. Exception: you may use any of the supporting elements in the background. Proactive consideration of accessibility benefits everyone, especially persons with disabilities. The Policy on Service and Digital focuses on the client, ensuring proactive consideration at the design stage of key requirements of these functions in the development of operations and services. Illustrations are another central visual element of our brand. Box 8700 St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6 Tel: 1-709-729-4834 servicenlinfo@gov.nl.ca considering accessibility in the lifecycle management process for existing IT solutions and equipment, including web content. The Policy on Service and Digital focuses on the client, ensuring proactive consideration at the design stage of key requirements of these functions in the development of operations and services. A list of articles to learn more about digital service delivery and technology modernization. Digital Service Delivery Guide Topics Menu. Digital trends are revolutionizing how governments, citizens and businesses interact with each other and the world. Contact: Julianna Rowsell. The guideline also makes recommendations about telemedicine, which allows people living in remote locations to obtain health services by using mobile phones, web portals, or other digital tools. An International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a 13-digit number that is applied to publications published by the Government of Canada. Specific policies logically follow from the conceptual statement in the framework to further collection development aspects, e.g., submission guidelines. When working with colour blocks, only solid colours should be used. The enterprise content … Define what success looks like and publish performance data Read more about point 10. The Standard on Web Accessibility applies to public-facing web content only. 1. Service and digital Supports the integrated management of service delivery, information and data, information technology, and cyber security in the digital era. This guideline supports the Government of Canada’s direction to ensure that departments, agencies and organizations consider accessibility in the acquisition or development of information technology (IT) solutions and equipment to make IT usable by all. Digital Government and Service NL is conducting a comprehensive review of the legislation that regulates the real estate industry. We drew inspiration from both the public and private sector. The key aim of this guideline is to present recommendations based on a critical evaluation of the evidence on emerging digital health interventions that are contributing to health system improvements, based on an assessment of the benefits, harms, acceptability, feasibility, resource use … It does not apply to public-facing IT solutions and equipment or to internal-facing IT solutions, equipment and web content. View Document Guidelines on Provision of Digital Advisory Services [CMG-G02] (814.1 KB) These guidelines apply to all financial institutions offering digital advisory services. leverage enterprise tools and capacity to ensure that internal‑facing IT solutions and equipment are accessible for public servants. In alignment with the Harmonised European Standard, EN 301 549 (2018), departments, agencies and organizations are strongly encouraged to follow the latest version of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA (2018). Box 8700 St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6 Tel: 1-709-729-4834 servicenlinfo@gov.nl.ca Social Media Guidelines for BC Public Service Employees. We have taken bits from a bunch of places and built them into something that works for us at this stage of our mandate. Although our org model is new to the ODS, it is not a new approach. Do not use textures, watermarks, or overlays. This will be achieved through a single set of rules and guidelines for government departments and agencies that set out how the Government of Canada manages service delivery , information and data , technology , and cybersecurity . These Guidelines have been approved by the Senior Director General Innovation and Chief Information Officer Branch and take effect on October 1, 2014. You will see many similarities between our model and Spotify’s. Library of Congress recommended formats statement. Book-like products include books, pamphlets, educational kits, microforms, CD-ROMs and other print, digital and electronic publications. One aspect of auditing a digital archive is to verify that the stated mission and intended scope of a digital archive matches its actual content. The reasons for that are not merely the uniqueness and high standards of the cars we produce. The Digital Policy will further integrate technology and data in all stages of the processes for policy, program and service delivery. These Guidelines provide advice on the digital file formats to be used when transferring information resources of enduring value (IREV) to Library and Archives Canada (LAC). © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by the President of the Treasury Board, 2019, Maserati is one of the world's most admired brands. (= Standards, Recommended Practices and Strategies, IASA-TC 04). To achieve this, photography should: leverage their existing in-house accessibility programs when meeting Government of Canada accessibility requirements. California Digital Library Digital File Format Recommendations: Master Production Files. The recommendations in section 4 of this guideline support the following: the Accessible Canada Act, which requires that entities under federal jurisdiction identify, remove and prevent accessibility barriers. ISBN: Access Government of Canada activities and initiatives, Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector, Planning and Management of Investments, Policy on the, Accessibility Strategy for the Public Service of Canada, Policy on Management of Information Technology, Harmonised European Standard, EN 301 549 (2018). Digital government reading list. It establishes an enterprise-wide, integrated approach to governance, planning and management. Several Treasury Board policy instruments set out Government of Canada accessibility requirements for IT (see subsection 5.3) including the Policy on Service and Digital (effective April 1, 2020), the Policy on Management of Information Technology and the Standard on Web Accessibility. Accessibility; Brand standard view child links. The logo; Logo usage; Color Palette; Typography. For more information on this guideline, please contact dppn@tbs-sct.gc.ca. The Government of Canada’s Digital Standards form the foundation of the government’s shift to becoming more agile, open, and user-focused. Photography is another central visual element of our brand. Second edition 2009. It establishes an enterprise-wide, integrated approach to governance, planning and management. work with Shared Services Canada (SSC) and its Accessibility, Accommodation and Adaptive Computer Technology (AAACT) Program to identify and deploy accessible tools and technology, and to remove remaining accessibility barriers associated with IT. Strategic plans. Contact: Ross Ferguson. Digital media are integrated into the everyday lives of children and adolescents, with potential benefits and risks for learning, mental and physical health, and for social life. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA (2018). Digital Government and Service NL 100 Prince Phillip Drive P.O. The Digital Public Service: Opportunities in Canada. government is committed to providing digital products and services focused on improving service delivery and access to information. the Government of Canada Digital Standards, which promote building in accessibility from the start. A set of guidelines for creating accessible and inclusive content for people with disabilities. Never use clip art-style imagery because it looks unprofessional and of low quality. 2. In April, 2012 Service NL issued this consultation document (188 KB) to gather information and views from the general public, industry stakeholders and any other persons or groups interested in providing comments as to how this industry should be regulated in future. 2 Sets of Guidelines. The facilitator may choose to start the session with a quick activity, such as an icebreaker. 10. Achieves policy outcomes 3. work in the open and use open‑source software to support others in efforts to develop accessible common IT systems across departments, agencies and organizations. They can be used when original photography does not exist or cannot be used to help tell a specific story. Accessibility; Brand standard view child links. Are there existing assets in the Government of Yukon’s photo library that you can use? Departments, agencies and organizations are strongly encouraged to leverage the Harmonised European Standard, EN 301 549 (2018), when: acquiring or developing internal-facing or public-facing IT solutions and equipment, including web content and all IT tools and equipment used by federal public servants. Consider these questions if you’re having trouble deciding between a photo or an illustration. As we’ve been gathering feedback and input from people across the public service, one of the questions we continually get is how to simply define the standard and the need for one. It was replaced by the Policy on Service and Digital and the Directive on Service and Digital on April 1, 2020. Digital Service Delivery Guide Topics Menu. Long-term provisions should be made to allow for continued access to digital resources. Digital Government and Service NL 100 Prince Phillip Drive P.O. They set out the licensing and other pertinent requirements applicable to digital advisers under the Financial Advisers Act and the Securities and Futures Act. An outline of how CDS evaluates products and how they are delivered. If pre-existing photography isn’t available, do you have money in your budget to hire a photographer. by Kevin Bradley. Our goal was to create a structure that could help us scale as we enter a period of rapid growth and continuous delivery. Like all visual elements, use of photography in our communication materials should leave Yukoners feeling confident, included, and empowered. These digital standards were co-created with the public and key stakeholder groups. Application. Preservation and storage standards and guidelines The preservation and storage of digital assets must be an integral component in the overall digitization project. match the tone and mood of your product and be especially helpful in evoking a specific emotion or feeling; give a less-formal feel to a designed product; be generic rather than portraying specific people doing specific things; be used to explain an idea or concept, whether abstract or realistic; communicate text-based information, such as an infographic; be eye-catching and engaging in a unique way; be a cost-effective substitute when photography doesn’t exist; and. Content and design view child links. These Guidelines form a small part of a UNESCO's campaign to improve access to digital heritage for all the world's peoples, and to ensure that the means of preserving their digital heritage are in the hands of every community. The Guideline on Service Management is no longer up-to-date, as the Policy on Service and Digital and the Directive on Service and Digital took effect on April 1, 2020. Content and design view child links. New government activity or policy: content types to use, Where to put guidance content on Yukon.ca, Track your service or website's performance, How to purchase digital tools and products, Evaluate digital tools and vendors through the procurement process, Prototype development service maturity assessment. Following service design methodologies and citizen engagement these products and services are designed to meet citizen expectations through user research, usage analysis and evidenced based design. Create a secure service which protects users’ privacy Read more about point 9.
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guidelines on service and digital 2020