The plural article always stays the same German Plural – Article: die. If you're tired of looking up each new word in a dictionary to find the plural, then this site is just what you've been looking for. (3) Nouns can be singular or plural, just like in English. Marks. Although it is based on it, unlike the word frequency compilation from the Universität Leipzig, this edited top 100 list of the most common German words in print eliminates duplicates (dass/daß, der/Der) and considers conjugated verb forms as a single verb (i.e., ist represents all forms of sein, "to be") to arrive at the 100 most common German words you should know (for reading). The declension of the noun Artikel is in singular genitive Artikels and in the plural nominative Artikel. It is hard to find general rules that are valid in all cases and to say which nouns have which plural endings – and it is even harder to remember these rules and apply them. The best thing is to learn each noun with the definite article and the plural. Choose from 500 different sets of articles definite plural german nouns flashcards on Quizlet. Learn to use nouns and articles in singular and plural as well as in nominative, accusative, dative and genitive. You may need to add an umlaut. Like German adjectives, they decline with the gender and case of the qualified noun. Plural: die Häuse. You will quickly begin to understand many more situations when compared to learning your German vocabulary from random sources. Choose from 336 different sets of singular and plural definite articles german nouns flashcards on Quizlet. The German word die translates as the definite article the.The German language has three forms of definite article: der, die, das.Die is used for singular female nouns and plural nouns. In English, it's easy: just add an 's' or 'es' most of the time. Qvyshift LLC. Pers. In English, it's simple: just add an -s or -es to form the plural of a noun. Plural ending -e without Umlaut. Our website Speak7 helps you learn the German vocabulary, little dictionary in German, which contains some very useful words: English to German words. English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. You can find this information in a dictionary. For example: der Mann. Learn Dari: Dari Basic Phrases - Works offline. For example, if you are looking at nouns in the nominative case, you would have "ein brauner Hund" in the masculine, "eine schwarze Katze" in the feminine, "ein blaues Auto" in the neuter, and "zwei graue Hasen" in the plural. Numbers 1 to 5, and how to calculate One in German, also 2-5. These transformations can involve the addition of an umlaut and the alteration of the word ending (example: das Buch, die Bücher). Plural: die Gärten. English Grammar Nounshoun. JOIN our free club and learn for free now! Most of them are in masculine, rarely in feminine or neuter. These are the easiest. It is hard to find general rules that are valid in all cases and to say which nouns have which plural endings – and it is even harder to remember these rules and apply them. The best thing is to learn each noun with the definite article and the plural. As you already know, we have three main articles in German: der (masculine), die (feminine) and das (neuter). So it is up to you to in… The article is also identified for plural (die). There are several slightly different versions of these rules, some more complex than others. Most of these words are either masculine (der) or neuter (das) and often end with el, -en, -er, -lein or chen. die Milch or plural form e.g. For example: das Auto. Usually these are words imported into German from other languages. In some cases, the noun itself doesn't transform at all. In German “chair” is masculine (DER Stuhl), “book” is neuter (DAS Buch) and “apartment” is feminine (DIE Wohnung). In German there are different ways to form the plural. German nouns are frequently altered significantly when moving from the singular to the plural form, and the alteration is sometimes more complicated than adding an "s" or an "es" as one would in English. This can be tricky for the native English speaker, since the articles "the" and "a" are not differentiated in English and adjectives do not decline. You may need to add an umlaut as well. Here you can not only inflect Artikel but also all German nouns. Plural translate: plural, plural. die Löffel whilst others are mostly used in the singular e.g. Proper nouns that refer to persons, such as Sue and Ron, and proper nouns used in conjunction with titles, such as Queen Elizabeth, Doctor Thomas, and Captain Parry, only take a definite article if: they stand for the name of a thing such as a boat. If we use a noun in the plural form, we always use the same article: die. Placement tests. Most of these words are either masculine (der) or neuter (das) More information Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Learn for free... Games; All our sites. There is one golden rule to remember when building your plurals, however: Plural nouns always use die as their definite article. So if you’re looking for how to say or what does a specific word mean just look below, as well as grammar, vocabulary, and expressions all that is offered online with our classes presented by Speak7.