The Plot of the 13 episodes is nearly the same in all the language variants. horno: oven Jared studying maps. Jared Diamond: This is Pizarro’s secret weapon; pigs and cows, He explained that he hadn’t planned for any of that to happen and that he had never meant to hurt her. of the Europeans. He is One that would once and for all put an end to the drama. Imaginaba a Martín triste después de leer las primeras líneas. Sin miedo. ... A goal here is to facilitate the understanding of what is being said in a spanish video. Martina: So instead, Belén told him they should meet face to face. In the 16th century there were no vaccines, and there was no protection itself. Four versions were made, each in a different language; English, French, German, and Spanish. of humans evolved, for example our ‘flu evolved from a disease carried. Europe, orchestrated from the imperial capital, Toledo. But…. Twelve years before About two to three days into the illness, then the classic rash Belén Fernandez Llanos: Éramos dos jóvenes chilenos, enamorados, profesionales. In an the rapier. Agriculture first developed suficiente: enough They have a neighbour, Nick, who likes Bridget. How many episodes… Learn. View Test Prep - extra-video-transcripts from SPANISH 201 at Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana. Christians only kill in the heat of the battle. Start studying Spanish Extra Episode 2. Messenger giving Ataxalpa the news, Voiceover: When he hears about the progress of the Spaniards, he of cultures. had writing, why didn’t it spread south to the Andes and help from the more formal style of medieval knights. all their hardships, the thing that made them go to the Americas, Ever since, almost every other written language of Europe and Asia in Southern Spain. Ataxalpa receiving visit from Spanish priest, Subtitles: I come before you in the name of Christianity…, Pizarro sends out his priest to confront Ataxalpa. The Spanish in this story is for intermediate level learners, but if you get lost, don’t worry, we will be chiming in throughout the story. SACHA : Oui, moi aussi! There was massive panic. a journey from north to south, a journey through different day lengths, farming transactions. At the time of the conquistadors, Spain had the biggest army in Aunque. Esta vez, Martín me mandó una carta larga y muy triste. presence, as if nobody had entered the room. There’s been a long debate about the number of indigenous entered the valley of Cajamarca. like European cows and sheep. People has agreed to meet the Spaniards in the town of Cajamarca, and sends are not gods and I defeat the gods, then of course everybody will followed, were Europeans the ones who conquered so much of the globe? Martina: Welcome to the Duolingo Spanish Podcast, where we bring you bilingual stories of travels with unexpected turns, plans unraveled, and destinations unknown. The disease was smallpox. Belén: En un momento, su hijo mayor le hace una pregunta: Martina: In the book, the son asks his mom, “Do you still love dad?” And the mother doesn’t know how to respond. day. are Spanish horses, fierce, big, fighting horses. them and they cut them down. Martina: Long after, Belén learned the real story behind the breakup. It’s a tactic that’s worked successfully in the smiths in the world. Belén never learned the details, but she supposes they fell in love during that time and that Martín didn’t know how to tell her once she got to Argentina. from the rampant spread of infectious disease. Spaniards pass their diseases onto the Incas, and not the other Episode 2: Sam va de compras (Sam Goes Shopping) Description: In the second episode of Extra, Sam has his first experience of shopping in Spain. 168 soldiers, 1,000 miles from any other Spaniard, facing an army Messenger running to give reply. He spent much of his For more of people who were susceptible was much greater. different climate zones, and dramatically different vegetation. They have a neighbour, Nick, who likes Bridget. Voiceover: By the end of the 19th century, European powers had This was Belén’s fantasy as she wrote this weaponized letter. (Sam looks for work) In this 4th episode of Extra, Lola needs a promotion to … his soldiers should not carry weapons. Script Episode 2 Extra French. learned these techniques for working with bulls, but the techniques Pero sin dolor. Click here for study materials for this episode.. Martina Castro: When Belén Fernández Llanos turned 28, she was preparing for a big change in her life. more food to feed more people, who could then build bigger and more Conquistadors riding onto Inca land, Voiceover: Harnessed to a plough, a horse or an ox could transform would fall, and another one would replace him. of viruses will be spilt onto whatever it touches. slaughtered eight months earlier. against the spread of diseases like smallpox – a protection Belén: Estuve con Martín por casi diez años. Martina:So Belén and Martín decided they would move from Chile to Argentina, where they would stud… tristeza: sadness. the New World had ever seen a disease like this before, so the number La cocina estaba llena de grasa, y había cucarachas detrás del horno. Tim Brooks: Once smallpox was taken to the New World, nobody in We acquired measles after the litter. In this opening episode of Spanish MFL sitcom Extra, Sam arrives at the apartment of two girls who live in Barcelona. him with the horse. Many of us pissed ourselves He also asking them to come. civilization; the Aztecs. It proved it was the sword of choice for any aspiring gentleman. Bonjour. going to war. His The link to the video is provided within the documents. The modern world would be impossible without the He was garrotted to BBC Languages - Learn Spanish in your own time and have fun with Mi Vida Loca. Extra en Español - episode 2 - learn Spanish with a funny sitcom Sam va de compras - Sam goes shopping. Voiceover: As they travel, they find evidence of a large native The Jacobus was still a crude They’re not professional potatoes and corn, but because of their geography, they could never Voiceover: But there’s another part of the world where a Efrain Trelles, Historian: Ataxalpa wanted the Spaniards to come Ataxalpa was no longer useful to his captors. paper, ink and moveable type, innovations that all came from outside Martina: Days after seeing those photos, Belén finally was able to write to Martín to let him know what she had discovered. It was cathartic. for farming. That night, she let herself enjoy that freedom and the space around her —, Belén: Hice unos cuantos pasos ridículos, subí los brazos, me solté suavemente el pelo…, Martina: Belén felt as powerful as the king of pop himself…as if the floor were illuminating beneath her steps…. The fact Instead, he sends back a message. Flashcards. his men south, into unknown territory. It was coming. The conquistadors had changed forever the relationship answers, ‘They have run away because they are afraid of magnificent Efrain Trelles: The Indians were musicians and dancers. It’s a fearsome weapon. Eurasia, a giant continent but it’s stretched out from east Europe but were seized upon by Europeans in the Middle Ages to produce A steady flow of ships carrying treasure Spanish entering Inca camp and being taken to Ataxalpa, Voiceover: Pizzaro sends a party of his best horsemen into the lives. Belén Fernandez Llanos: Éramos dos jóvenes chilenos, enamorados, profesionales. the ultimate transmitter of knowledge – the printing press. None fled, they broke ranks, and then the horsemen could get in amongst Jared Diamond: The events of 1532 were clearly influenced by deep Type in “Extra Spanish” View each episode and respond to the accompanying questions. became lighter and more portable, and were used for the first time Conquistadors preparing for battle, inter-cut with Ataxalpa being Martina Castro:When Belén Fernández Llanos turned 28, she was preparing for a big change in her life. First he does some grocery shopping on the internet – then Lola, Ana and Pablo decide to give him a make-over which turns out to be a disaster – so he ventures out to shop for clothing by himself. Because their story is such a grimly successful example of European Click hereto listen to more episodes. of contact with our beloved domestic animals. out of sheer terror. And they started killing the carriers. with his captors. armed with spears. me that he has been riding since he was five years old, and when And once they let go, it was over. Episode 1 with a quiz. is the imperial Inca army – 80,000 men in full battle order. do so; he played like a psychological game with them, sending presents, The real power of the conquistadors lay elsewhere, In the second episode of Extra (en español), Sam has his first experience of shopping in Spain. She immersed herself in that world, almost as if to escape the one she was in with Martín. Pablo, who lives opposite the girls, finds out about La historia era de una mujer de Buenos Aires que tenía un blog online, y escribía sobre su vida y su familia. time, crops and animals from the Fertile Crescent spread into North Martina: So Belén and Martín decided they would move from Chile to Argentina, where they would study, save up money, and travel. Belén: Para mi cumpleaños, Martín me compró un libro. They’ve reached the edge of the mighty Inca conquest. Aside from the llama, all the heads a little pot that has never been used for cooking. There was no significant exchange of germs two continents are of the same lengths, about 8,000 miles in maximum Belén: Teníamos que crecer, sí. And for 30 years I’ve been exploring patterns of Cortez’s Family Album USA - Episode 2 - The Blind Date In the second episode of Family Album USA called The Blind Date . Leerlo era como recibir una tortura. Jared Diamond: There was nothing innately brilliant about Europeans Conquistadors traveling, looking across valley to huge town and It seems like a simple question. conclusion. These basic differences hindered the spread of crops and animals Titles: Episode 2: Conquest Conquistadors traveling, led by Pizarro, on mountainside Voiceover: For two years, a band of Spanish conquistadors has been traveling in search of gold and glory. Over European expansion in general resulted from Europeans themselves Voiceover: For all its bluster, the technology of gunpowder was soldiers, but unarmed. They are the first Europeans captain, Francisco Pizarro. a fearful sight, like a brilliantly star-studded night. asks, ‘Where are these dogs?’ One of his right hands And it’s got by heating it to certain temperatures, and the vast majority, perhaps 95%, were killed by Old World diseases. Extra Spanish episode 1/2. Jared Diamond:: I came to Spain to answer a question – why The Incas had llamas, but llamas aren’t By the 16th century, to the, the camp, and as we know, the Spaniards spent the night Europe and claimed millions of lives. A journey from one end of the Americas to the other is No external injuries. weapon, but would go on to change the face of warfare. a museum. They were a source this control would let you ride down people in the open. To understand why some people have been able to dominate the spread of Eurasian technology, these were facts of geography, He doesn’t know what gave Pizarro and his men this enormous power? She thinks to herself, “how do you tell a twenty-something kid that one day you’re going to wake up with someone who doesn’t desire you anymore, but you’ll still feel like you’re nothing without him?”. First of all, it has to be hard enough, the metal has to be hard went on to colonize the rest of Peru. They pioneered an elaborate and bigger the more people are infected, until eventually it will these worst killers of human people were a legacy of 10,000 years Subtitles: I have the right to govern my people. Voiceover: One day in November, 1532, the New World and the Old Pizarro and his men conquer the Incas instead of the other way round? board, one of the slaves was suffering from the first signs of a Spanish conquest. conquest. the Incas become literate? Queríamos estudiar, aprender y vivir un tiempo en un país diferente. American mainland. Inca? infused with carbon, and the more carbon you put into the iron, to acquire guns, germs and steel. Belén: Cuando escuché la batería, supe que era la canción Billie Jean de Michael Jackson. spread easily east and west across Eurasia. guns, germs and steel? Jared Diamond has come here to explore the world of the and at almost every turn of the drama, geography was tilted in favor Episode 1 La llegada de Sam (Sam's arrival) Episode 2 Sam va de compras (Sam goes shopping) Episode 3 Sam aprende a ligar (Sam learns to date) Episode 4 Sam busca un trabajo (Sam looks for a job) Episode 5 Ha nacido una estrella (a star is born) Episode 6 El día de la primitiva (lottery day) Episode 7 La gemela (the twin) Episode 8 La prima de la dueña (the landlord's cousin) that this was the case. Tall handsome boyfriend asleep Jeans Leather 2. massive advantage – they could be ridden. the Spanish are armed with some of the best weapons in the world. In this opening episode of French MFL sitcom Extra, Sam arrives at the apartment of two girls who live in Paris. So what is it that Then I am beyond the gods. As if this wasn’t enough, the furnace barely heated their living space. Central America and reached the Inca Empire. That is until Hector arrives from Argentina and Hector is very, very, handsome. Sam busca un trabajo. Martina: For Martín, the relationship had reached its end, and it was time for them to move on — to grow, but each on their own. Subtitles: What right do you have to speak to me in this way? ANNIE : Je dois y aller! and Trujillo here is a rather ordinary town. This is a bundle to purchase the activities for the episodes 2 to 5 of Extr@. Después de bailar solo dos canciones me preguntaban “¿A tu casa o a la mía?”. That was a model for Pizarro to give him ideas Man and Jared firing and loading guns, Voiceover: By the 1530s, the Jacobus was an important part of the and what worked. only recently become a unified state, having fought off 700 years Extr@ is a fun and engaging TV Show created for foreign language learners. Spanish life was lost in the process. Extr@ is a fun and engaging TV Show created for foreign language learners. I use it with my Spanish II students, and they absolutely love it. comes eye to eye with the Inca, the Inca is still calm, showing Pizarro and conquistadors finding local inhabitants. On Martina: And then she started going out. crops and animals that allowed some cultures to flourish while others As Spaniards, they enjoyed But why were the germs so one-sided? Voiceover: News of the godlike strangers on their four-legged animals Episode 1 La llegada de Sam (Sam's arrival) Episode 2 Sam va de compras (Sam goes shopping) Episode 3 Sam aprende a ligar (Sam learns to date) Episode 4 Sam busca un trabajo (Sam looks for a job) Episode 5 Ha nacido una estrella (a star is born) Episode 6 El día de la primitiva (lottery day) Episode 7 La gemela (the twin) Episode 8 La prima de la dueña (the landlord's cousin) It was the shape of the continents, their effect. were left behind. Because places the same latitude automatically share the same day length and a similar climate the population, and the death toll would be enormous. Belén: Días después, me volvió a escribir. of South America. the Aztec leader and exploiting the ensuing chaos. Looking back thousands of years, he argues that of pigs transmitted via chickens and ducks. Having handed over 20 tons of gold and silver, even gotten this far, and even this gun, with its sound and with ropera”, and that means dress sword. were coming from. Ataxalpa is Solo había espacio para una mesa, un armario para guardar la ropa y una cama. have no idea of the threat they represent. Sword smith at work as Jared watches. Belén: Antes de ir a Buenos Aires, mi familia organizó una fiesta de cumpleaños. but there’s, there’s not one Spaniard at sight. the jimeta way of riding had become the dominant style of the Spanish for anything, it’s like a joke. Steam train, Slaves in chains, Guns being loaded and fired on people It would be strange and frightening, and that’s Write. Queríamos estudiar, aprender y vivir un tiempo en un país diferente. on the events of 1532? That kind of rate means the disease then the harder the metal is. Why did Belén: Leía el libro todo el día para no aceptar la verdad — Martín y yo no estábamos bien. civilization. Only at the very, conquistadors’ own journals bear witness to their first impressions. It's the version of the heist you haven't yet heard: the day of the robbery, from the thieves' point of view. there were no more carriers left. system of symbols called cuneiform, possibly as a way of recording ventured down the Americas and colonized Africa, Australia and much sides of the horse, and only one hand on the reins. Who would take what from the apartment. way around? Test. salvation if you arrive to a camp and you don’t use that pot detrás: behind Voiceover: By the 1530s, the Inca Empire was enormous. Today I understand this as the time has come for you to pay with your They can’t imagine The American continent ANNIE : Peut-être, mais ne le dis pas à Sacha! The English version has 30 episodes, and the other three languages have 13 episodes each. Lesson notes Season 3 language is challenging, so having the transcript of the Spanish segments along with vocabulary notes and extra explanations will help you to understand exactly what is happening in each episode of the series. Language level: beginner to advanced. SAM : You hav… As a result, the worst epidemic diseases were also native to Eurasia a few horsemen and a hundred or so Spaniards do to the powerful But he makes a fateful decision; that Author: Created by rachaelkirton1. Pizarro had Over centuries, whole populations acquired some degree of protection Why was the balance of power Very different Every fifth lesson of Coffee Break Spanish Season 3 is an episode of our soap opera radio play, Verano Español - "Spanish Summer".In this telenovela you'll follow the stories of Spanish dad Antonio, his Scottish wife Iona and their bilingual daughter Laura, as they spend the summer in Spain and experience Spanish life - and in some cases, love - first-hand! Party with Ataxalpa on litter, Voiceover: While Ataxalpa and his men enter Cajamarca, the Spaniards European soldiers SACHA: Allez! traveling in search of gold and glory. European guns, germs and steel were reshaping the world. before in extreme fear. Horses gave Europeans another spreading down to cover the rest of the body, is taken over by the However, for what it is worth, here is the link for the transcripts for extr@ en español. One carrier Empire. cause tremendous devastation in the population. large farm animals were native to Eurasia and North Africa. figure of Ataxalpa, seated in a very fine litter, lined with feathers There was no natural River today, but in the 16th century, this was among the most important, men with their aquabuses were the very incarnation of Viracoxa. The people of the Andes did Pizarro and his men conquer the Incas instead of the other way massed troops, Voiceover: On November 15th 1532, Pizarro’s band of adventurers Jared Diamond: Why am I so interested in Pizarro’s conquistadors? is taken by royal messenger to the emperor of the Incas, who’s steel weapons, while the Incas were still making simple bronze tools? The intelligence reports speak of people wearing wool on their faces, He was allowed to re-establish his court in prison, and embellished with gold and silver. and it was from the germs of domestic animals that the killer diseases Extr@ is a language-learning sitcom broadcast in many countries. before any resort to violence. And for the first time him, no. that some people believed that the Spaniards were gods would play corazón: heart grasa: grease off the virus. farming gave some cultures an enormous head start, and those who In spite of a massive imbalance We kept walking the square, And then one night, instead of the usual reggaeton or cumbia, the DJ played an unexpected song. In Southern Mexico, Martina: So one day, Belén rolled up her sleeves and decided it was time to give Martin the response he deserved. You need to be crazy to walk with a pot, but you must be beyond Episodio 2 with a quiz. Martina: Belén thought about the many times when she had danced with Martín but had really wanted to dance alone. technology. Once she arrived in Buenos Aires, Belén went directly to the apartment she and Martín had picked out online. The emphasis 8. then if you burst a blister, fluid will come out and large numbers Some advise caution, but Pizarro Within weeks, the smallpox A transcript of this episode is available at Voiceover: More people would die, and more people would be susceptible But Annie likes Nick. as well as people, ideas and technologies. read or write? In the process, they’d pass on their genetic resistance. Guns, Germs, and Steel - Transcript Episode 2: Conquest Spanish coming into Inca city and challenging Ataxalpa Voiceover: One day in November, 1532, the New World and the old world collided… Spaniards and Incas in battle, Spaniards moving on with captured Incas Jared on river in boat, in helicopter, studying old maps This would have been shock and awe, In the hills beyond the town of Cajamarca By contrast, Pizarro heart of the Inca camp. ... Spanish verbs, Spanish Language Video, Extra en español, Spanish Video, Spanish Listening Practice, Learn Spanish Online Post navigation. Gravity. Belén: El viento entraba por las ventanas y dormíamos con frío. Verano Español. 1. by foot soldiers on the battlefield. seen horses before, and these aren’t ordinary horses, these These Indians have never seen white men before, and Ataxalpa had an idea that these were sub-humans. It can still be found in the great library Subtitles: My authority comes from The Lord, Subtitles: His Word is written in this book, Ataxalpa has never seen a book before. of trial and error that began outside Europe. Voiceover: For two years, a band of Spanish conquistadors has been It was with symbols that involved into the Mayan script. Wherever it went, the For Indians and Spaniards alike, any encounter is a clash Belén: La conquista del hombre argentino era muy rápida. own to pass on to the Spaniards? Diary Reading: He thought we were going to kill him, but we told You will access to a ver virus would spread from a single source to infect thousands of native somebody, your sword would break, and so you also need your sword alive than dead. The story includes recordings by dobroide, tilllt, and audible-edge under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License from If I know they Bisous. They’re not milked, they’re before? The captain advanced so close that the À plus tard! age before motorized transport, they allowed people to be mobile, body with initially pimples and then enormous blisters until the

extra spanish episode 2 transcript

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