She told a story, probably apocryphal, of her ancestors trip to America. Most of the stories about his life are probably apocryphal. 9, and other passages (see Fritzsche and Ball in loc. How to use apocryphal in a sentence. biblical apocrypha in a sentence - Use "biblical apocrypha" in a sentence 1. shakespeare apocrypha in a sentence - Use "shakespeare apocrypha" in a sentence 1. They possess - not in Hebrew, of which they are altogether ignorant, but in Ethiopic (or Geez)- the canonical and apocryphal books of the Old Testament; a volume of extracts from the Pentateuch, with comments given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai; the Te-e-sa-sa Sanbat, or laws of the Sabbath; the Ardit, a book of secrets revealed to twelve saints, which is used as a charm against disease; lives of Abraham, Moses, &c.; and a translation of Josephus called Sana Aihud. The story of a chairman of the Library Committee who sent his lunch hours reading childrens ' comics was unfortunately not apocryphal. The Proverbs of Jesus, the son of Sirach (c. 200 B.C. apocryphal definition is - of doubtful authenticity : spurious. The belief on which this festival rests has its origin in apocryphal sources, such as the Eis 7-7)v Koi / C?7] (.v ri s OfcrroLvn g ascribed to the Apostle John, and the de transitu Mariae, assigned to Melito, bishop of Sardis, but actually written about A.D. We have " widows having precedence " or presbyteresses, three in number, deaconesses, virgins, and widows who are in receipt of the alms of the Church; and the first-named occupy a place of very great dignity, which is almost unequalled elsewhere (excepting in the earlier form of the apocryphal and Montanistic Acts and Martyrdom of Matthew, where the relation of the IrpeO(3ETC and deaconess corresponds with that of the Testament), and which was formally condemned by the Council of Laodicea in Phrygia. And the Greek Psalter, though it contains one apocryphal psalm at the close, is essentially the same as the Hebrew; there is nothing to suggest that the Greek was first translated from a less complete Psalter and afterwards extended to agree with the extant Hebrew. Mencius, Hsiin King and writers of the Han dynasty, whose works, however, are more or less apocryphal, tell us much about him and his opinions, but all in a loose and unconnected way. The famous document, known as the Constitutum Constantini and compounded of various elements (notably the apocryphal Vita S. THE BOOK OF JUDITH, one of the apocryphal books of the Old Testament. Of far greater interest is the literature of maxims, and lives of saints, real or apocryphal, intended to teach by example. It should further be observed that the Vulgate adds the Prayer of Manasses and 3 and 4 Ezra after the New Testament as apocryphal. 13-17: for the Syriac, Wright, Contributions to Apocryphal Literature of the N.T., 1865, pp. I am reminded of a story, perhaps apocryphal. Of doubtful authenticity, or lacking authority; not regarded as canonical. There has doubtless been exaggeration as to certain details, and the story of his seraglio at the Parc aux cerfs is largely apocryphal. Didache, The, or Teaching of the (twelve) Apostles,-the most important of the recent recoveries in the region of early Christian literature (see Apocryphal Literature). Synonym Discussion of apocryphal. There is a story, probably apocryphal, about a British motorcyclist on holiday in America. apocryphal literature in a sentence - Use "apocryphal literature" in a sentence 1. The apocryphal book, The Acts of Andrew, mentioned by Eusebius, Epiphanius and others, is generally attributed to Leucius the Gnostic. OLD Testament Apocryphal Books We shall now proceed to enumerate the apocryphal books: first the Apocrypha Proper, and next the rest of the Old and New Testament apocryphal literature. P. Grenfell, An Alexandrian erotic Fragment and other Papyri, 1896, pp. 47, 50 and 53; and it is the principal scene of the tale of Paul and Thecla (which though apocryphal has certainly some historical basis; see Thecla). It was derived from one of the apocryphal books of the eastern church. Answer. 2. Of, or pertaining to, the Apocrypha. Various legends are connected with him, of which the best known is given in the Apocryphal story of "Bel and the Dragon" (v. But the high position which apocryphal books occupied in the first two centuries was undermined by a variety of influences. In the literature as it survives many different branches of writing are represented - homilies in prose and verse, hymns, exposition and commentary, liturgy, apocryphal legends, historical romance, hagiography and martyrology, monastic history and biography, general history, dogmatics, philosophy and science, ecclesiastical law, &c. But the whole is dominated by the theological and ecclesiastical interest. In the Western Church, Revelation was accepted by all writers from Hippolytus onward with the exception of Jerome, who relegated it to the class lying between the canonical and apocryphal. A brief enumeration of the chief tales must suffice. The story is apocryphal, but is a good indication of the extreme measures countries take to protect the … In practice, however, a number of complications have created the concept of the Shakespeare Apocrypha. According to that apocryphal document, the emperor after his baptism had ceded to the sovereign pontiff his imperial power and honors, the purple chlamys, the golden crown, the town of Rome, the districts and cities of Italy and of all the West. All Rights Reserved. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Spanish Translation of “apocryphal” | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online. Sentences Containing 'apocryphal' The marriage was to make no change in their place of residence; they had been able to extend it, by taking to themselves the upper rooms formerly belonging to the apocryphal invisible lodger, and they desired nothing more. These last words point to the use in the composition of this Apology of a lost apocryphal work of very early date, The Preaching of Peter. Other Old Testament Apocryphal Literature: (a) Historical. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. (b) Apocryphal 3rd Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians and Epistle from the Corinthians to Paul. But if the inaccuracy of the fragment in this important respect is admitted the historical character of the whole episode breaks down and it is probably to be regarded as an apocryphal elaboration of Matt. Far larger than the secular is the religious popular literature; it comprises many apocryphal tales from the Old and the New Testaments, and not a few of the heretical tales circulated by the various sects of Asia Minor and Thracia, which percolated into Rumania through the medium of Slavonic. ; and in the preface prefixed by him to his translation he speaks of " the law, and the prophets, and the other books of our fathers," and again of " the law, and the prophets, and the rest of the books," expressions which point naturally to the same threefold division which was afterwards universally recognized by the Jews. Muller) between the famous apocryphal Letter of Prester John (of c. A.D. Toland replied in his Amyntor, or a Defence of Milton's Life (1699), to which he added a remarkable list of what are now called apocryphal New Testament writings. Among the sources of the Simon-legend we have omitted the pseudo-Clementine literature and a number of Apocryphal Martyria, Passiones and Actus. Pneumonia: In a Sentence. Apocrypha in a sentence. 13) that the book was not received by the Jews among their apocryphal writings. According to the apocryphal fourth book of Ezra (or 2 Esdras xiv.) A pretty, but perhaps apocryphal, story is told of his having read the play, before its exhibition, to Caecilius (who, after the death of Plautus, ranked as the foremost comic poet), and of the generous admiration of it manifested by Caecilius. ASCENSION OF ISAIAH, an apocryphal book of the Old Testament. Examples of 'apocryphal' in a sentence apocryphal. The Stilling story, for example (p. 317), may be taken as apocryphal. Afterwards, Toland discussed, with considerable real learning and much show of candour, the comparative evidence for the canonical and apocryphal Scriptures, and demanded a careful and complete historical examination of the grounds on which our acceptance of the New Testament canon rests. The authorship of the writings ascribed to him in several biographical notices rests on no better authority than the apocryphal statements of Thomas Dempster. The legends which speak of the Cid as accompanying this monarch in his expeditions to France and Italy must be rejected as purely apocryphal. Terence's earliest play was the Andria, exhibited in 166 B.C. An urban legend (or myth) is an apocryphal story that is spread by the retelling from one person to another person. The story of the hatchet and the cherry-tree, and similar tales, are undoubtedly apocryphal, having been coined by Washington's most popular biographer, Mason Weems (d. He died, it is said, on the 9th of April 1553, but actual history is quite silent save on the point that he was not alive in May of the next year, and the legends about his deathbed utterances - "La farce est jouee," "Je vais chercher un grand peut-titre," &c. - are altogether apocryphal. The story of the hatchet and the cherry-tree, and similar tales, are undoubtedly apocryphal, having been coined by Washington's most popular biographer, Mason Weems. Vainglorious: In a Sentence. The fictitious literature of the second and third centuries, known as the Apocryphal Gospels, offers no direct evidence of any historical value at all: it is chiefly valuable for the contrast which it presents to the grave simplicity of the canonical Gospels, and as showing how incapable a later age was of adding anything to the Gospel history which was not palpably absurd. We shall therefore enter at once on a short account of the origin of this literature in Judaism, of its adoption by early Christianity, of the various meanings which the term " apocryphal " assumed in the course of its history, and having so done we shall proceed to classify and deal with the books that belong to this literature. 26, for "in our image" certainly suggests a being equal in brightness and in capacities to the angels - a view which, as we know, became the favourite one in apocryphal and Haggadic descriptions of the Adam before the Fall. His terse and pertinent letter to Origen, impugning the authority of the apocryphal book of Susanna, and Origen's wordy and uncritical answer, are both extant. Mea Culpa: In a Sentence. With them, as with the bulk of the Christians of the 1st and 2nd centuries, apocryphal books as such were highly esteemed. Something 'apocryphal' is thought to be dubious, or of questionable validity. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Some of the events derive from new testament Biblical Apocrypha. In 1826 the society finally resolved that its fundamental law be fully and distinctly recognized as excluding the circulation "of those Books, or parts of Books, which are usually termed Apocryphal.". - For legends see Tischendorf's Evangelia apocrypha (1863) and Apocryphal Gospels, Ante-Nicene Lib. Schefer, Paris), a theoretical description of his religious and philosophical principles; and we can very well dismiss the rest as being probably just as apocryphal as Nasir's famous autobiography (found in several Persian tadhkiras or biographies of poets), a mere forgery of the most extravagant description, which is mainly responsible for the confusion in names and dates in older accounts of our author. The apocryphal story of Columbus and the egg is very interesting. In the apocryphal gospels John is sometimes made the subject of special miraculous experiences (e.g. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. On the other hand, it is probably identical with the apocryphal book 'A(3paµ mentioned in the Stichometry of Nicephorus, and the Synopsis Athanasii, together with the Apocalypses of Enoch, &c. See also APOCRYPHAL LITERATURE, section "New Testament.

apocryphal in a sentence

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