We have the lumber in stock and can manufacture your new Doussie floor to your specifications with a short lead time. Afzelia shows only small movement with time. Because Afzelia wood is so hard and strong, it is among the most valuable exotic hardwood species. Next. Die Trocknung muss dennoch vorsichtig ausgeführt werden, wichtig ist auch, dass die erzielte Restfeuchte auf die spätere Art der Verwendung möglichst gut abgestimmt ist. Beschreibung. Uvala. wood 048v2. Afzelia shows only small movement with time. It is an unusual, very attractive and useful timber, comparable to Mahogany and Teak for its uses, stability and durability. It is otherwise known as the species Afzelia Bella. Die Holzstrahlen sind sehr fein ausgeprägt, aber noch erkennbar. It uses include fine flooring, furniture, decking, stair rails, and construction. A wide variety of doussie afzelia options are available to you, such as project solution capability, usage, and warranty. Afzelia is very hard and durable, and it has excellent resistance to attack by termites. and it has excellent resistance to attack by termites. The grain is straight and slightly interlocked. Compare. Afzelia veneer is used in the manufacture of parquet flooring, stairs and furniture, in boat building and due to its low frictional resistance, as a road surface for cycling tracks. Afzelia stammt aus einer geringen Zahl afrikanischer Länder. It can attain a high polish. As a flooring option, afzelia’s hardness is over twice that of southern yellow pine, noticably harder than hard maple, almost identical to hickory or pecan, and about three quarters as hard as santos mahogany. Wisteria Lane Engineered Hardwood Elite Series. Available in solid wood or engineered constructions, real wood flooring comes in an extraordinary range of looks and finishes from characterful rustic and aged oaks through to minimal contemporary looks. It uses include fine flooring, furniture, decking, stair rails, and construction. Quite often it is used in the parquet flooring industry and as flooring in sports halls. It looks like raised alligator skin, which really shows best when the surface is very highly polished. Afzelia is very hard and durable, and it has excellent resistance to wear. Es kann für vielfältige Bereiche, vor allem als Vollholz verwendet werden. Afzelia has good machining qualities, and it sands to a smooth surface. Afzelia wood can have incredible figure, and the most outstanding and rare is the xlay figure as seen above. Papayo Afzelia is a genus in family Fabaceae ().The thirteen species all are trees, native to tropical Africa or Asia.. Ribadao Wood Boutique | Beautiful, Ecofriendly Wood Flooring 743 home,page-template,page-template-full_width,page-template-full_width-php,page,page-id-743,ajax_fade,page_not_loaded,,qode-title-hidden,qode_grid_1300,footer_responsive_adv,qode-theme-ver-10.1.1,wpb-js-composer js-comp-ver-5.0.1,vc_responsive Real size 300 cm x 400 cm = 12 m² 9.8 ft x 13.1 ft = 129.2 ft². Beachten muss man dabei allerdings, dass sich die Bezeichnung Doussié auch an eine einzelne besondere Holzart der Afzelia-Gruppe richten kann (Afzelia bipindensis, vor allem aus Kamerun). Real wood flooring brings an unmistakable feel of quality to any home. Interesting hardwood flooring looks can be achieved by teaming various colors together. Neben diesen beiden Bezeichnungen sind auch noch andere Bezeichnungen aus unterschiedlichen afrikanischen Sprachen häufig: Einige Bezeichnungen können gelegentlich (fälschlich) auch für andere Holzarten in Gebrauch sein. In DIN EN 13556, die die Nomenklatur der Handelshölzer festlegt, werden die drei wichtigsten Arten A. africana, A. bipindensis und A. pachyloba aufgeführt. Afzelia is a beautiful orange/brown wood which ages to a medium brown color. Other Names and Species: Afzelia Afa Beyo Lingue Papayo Uvala Origin: Africa — Cameroon Appearance: The sapwood of doussie is pale-yellow to white, while the heartwood ranges from light brown to reddish brown. Janka Hardness: 1810 As a flooring option, afzelia's hardness is over twice that of southern yellow pine, noticably harder than hard maple, almost identical to hickory or pecan, and about three quarters as hard as santos mahogany. Add to wishlist . Afzelia Africana/Doussie. Doussie Resolution 20 px/cm 50.8 px/inch (DPI) Size 10000 px x 3300 px (33 Mpx) Seamless Vertically. Stabile Konstruktionen im Innen- und Außenbereich sind mit Afzelia gut realisierbar, daneben eignet es sich auch für die Herstellung von Parkett oder für die Verwendung im Treppenbau. Afzelia Burl can be machined well and will have some dulling effects on your blades. Die Eigenschaften einzelner Arten können geringfügig voneinander abweichen, die grundlegenden Eigenschaften sind aber bei allen Afzelia Hölzern sehr ähnlich. Nuvelle NV4SL RL French Oak Solid Lock 15.5 SF Wood Flooring - Mystic 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 1 product rating (1) Nuvelle NV2SL French Oak 5/8 x 4-3/4 in Solid Hardwood Flooring - Cognac Afzelia offers a degree of stability and durability in which a comparative application of technology is requested. phone: (518) 623-9339 • email: info@countyfloors.com. Sapwood is pale yellow to white. One of the densest and hardest woods in the world. Doussie Wood Floor Appearance: Scientific Name: Afzelia africana Other Names and Species: Afzelia Afa Beyo Lingue Papayo Uvala Origin: Africa - Cameroon Appearance: The sapwood of doussie is pale yellow to white, while the heartwood ranges from light brown to reddish-brown. Brenco Exotic Woods is currently the only North American Company importing on a regular basis, 40 foot containers of Doussie Lumber. PRQ COSM Ash-Cou-Milk ₦ 18,000.00 Order via Whatsapp. Because afzelia wood is so hard and strong, it is among the most valuable exotic hardwood species. Used for docks, boat-building, exterior mill-work and construction. Size 6000 px x 8000 px (48 Mpx) Seamless Vertically. Description Doussie is a beautiful orange/brown wood which ages to a medium brown color. PAR-KY LOUNGE 06 BRUSHED AFZELIA DOUSSIE - Designer Wood flooring from Decospan all information high-resolution images CADs catalogues .. With Afzelia you know you will be getting a unique and beautiful floor that will last a lifetime. Lingue With a hardness rating of 1810, this species is harder than some other light coloured exotic woods and can be a good choice for high traffic rooms or homes with children or pets. and it has excellent resistance to attack by termites. Beyo Maps. Gluing and finishing can be variable, and some species contain water-soluble yellow deposits in the pores which can pose challenges in staining or finishing with water-based products. It uses include fine flooring, furniture, decking, stair rails, and construction. Previous. Botanical Name: Afzelia Pachyloba Janka Hardness: 1810 Appearance: Very similar to Doussie. The grain is straight and slightly interlocked. Afzelia wood block flooring is a beautiful timber originating from East and Southern Africa, with pretty grain, pink brown tones and some golden flecking. Floors beyond expectations. The wood has satisfactory staining and polishing ability due to yellow deposits in pores. Afzelia ist ein grobporiges Holz, die Poren sind stark zerstreut und werden von hellen Feldern umschlossen. It is one of the most popular imported flooring species used in Europe. No other wood figure looks quite like it, and it is very hard to get, being only a tiny percentage of the afzelia wood available. Which specie do you like most? Afzelia. Der Splint ist wie bei vielen Holzarten gelb bis grau. Abura Holz - Tropenholz mit Eigenschaften heimischer Hölzer, Angelique Holz - das Holz für den Wasserbau, Schleifvlies für Holz ist für dreidimensionale Werkstücke ideal, Stechpalmen Holz - nicht nur für Zauberstäbe, Whitewood Holz - ausgewogene Eigenschaften, Kauri Holz - Klangholz für Gitarren und Bässe. Beim Bearbeiten von Afzelia sollte man immer für eine gute Absaugung sorgen, da der Holzstaub Schleimhäute und Atemwege reizen kann. Specifications: 9/16” x 3.54” x Random Lengths. Uses. Burls are also commonly offered for sale, and usually have an abundance of small tight knots. Leave a comment and let me know! The wood remains smooth under friction. Pachyloba has a moderately lustrous surface. Alibaba.com offers 845 doussie afzelia products. Because afzelia wood is so hard and strong, it is among the most valuable exotic hardwood species. Because afzelia wood is so hard and strong, it is among the most valuable exotic hardwood species. Das Kernholz hat nur in frischem Zustand eine helle, teilweise sogar gelbliche Farbe. Heartwood is light brown to reddish brown (usually upon exposure). Eine Verwendung im Außenbereich ist deshalb auch ungeschützt gut möglich. Because Afzelia wood is so hard and strong, it is among the most valuable exotic hardwood species. Das etwas weniger bekannte Afzelia-Holz weist hervorragende Eigenschaften und eine große Härte auf. Afzelia also has a pronounced dulling effect on cutters. Es dunkelt aber rasch zu dunkleren Brauntönen nach, meist mit einer deutlich rotbraunen Färbung. Anhand des Aussehens allein lassen sich die einzelnen Arten nicht voneinander unterscheiden. The wood has satisfactory staining and polishing ability due to yellow deposits in pores. The wood remains smooth under friction. Today, it’s one of the oldest flooring companies in the world. It uses include fine flooring, furniture, decking, stair rails, and construction. Als Schnittholz erhält man Afzelia im Holzhandel zwischen 1.800 und 2.200 EUR pro m³. Afzelia wird gelegentlich auch Doussié genannt. 300 cm x 400 cm @ 51 DPI 300 cm x 99 cm @ 85 DPI 300 cm x 36 cm @ 127 DPI. The dried wood has a leather-like smell upon planing. So Afzelia species are generally suitable for under-floor heating systems. You can read more about t his wood here on our wood types page. Hier finden Sie alle Holzarten im Überblick Mehr über tropische Holzarten, wie Afzelia, erfahren Sie hier. Quick View. Auch hoch belastbare Möbel können aus Afzelia Holz gefertigt werden. Es dunkelt aber rasch zu dunkleren Brauntönen nach, meist mit einer deutlich rotbraunen Färbung. Afzelia quanzensis, locally known as mkongo (or mbambakofi and similar variations, such as mbambamgofi), is one of 10 hardwood timber species – including mpingo – that are responsibly managed and traded by the rural communities that we support in south-eastern Tanzania. Welcome to our world. When nailed, it has good holding ability. Doussie (Afezilia) Wood Flooring Doussie (also called Afzelia) has a beautiful reddish-orange tint to the wood that can give a warm feeling in your home. Properties: Very hard and dense – harder than Teak. Es gibt zwar auch asiatische Sorten, diese spielen für die Holzwirtschaft aber praktisch keine Rolle. Das Kernholz ist äußerst beständig, und auch hoch resistent gegen Pilz- und Insektenbefall. Wood Flooring Species Scientific Name: Afzelia africana. Afzelia wird – wegen seiner Eigenschaften – überwiegend als Vollholz verwendet. Odor: No characteristic odor. The sapwood of afzelia is pale yellow to white, while the heartwood ranges from light brown to reddish-brown. Specie Names Lumber Name(s): Afzelia / Apa / Doussie. Real Wood Flooring. And enjoy the best advice for choosing, installing and maintaining a wood floor. Afzelia ist sehr schwer und hart (deutlich härter als Eichenholz). Grain is straight to moderately interlocked. Kährs was founded in 1857 in the deep forests of southern Sweden. You can see pictures of over 90 different wood types in HD. Afzelia gehört seit Jahrzehnten zu den bekanntesten Importhölzern aus Afrika. Texture is moderately coarse. Afzelia shows only … Afzelia-Arten wachsen als Bäume.Die wechselständigen, gestielten Laubblätter sind paarig gefiedert mit wenigen Paaren von Fiederblättchen.Die winzigen Nebenblätter fallen früh ab. Show more articles. Afzelia's coloring traditionally consists of pale yellow to white hues, while the heartwood ranges from light brown to reddish-brown hues. About 0% of these are Wood Flooring, 0% are Solid Wood Boards, and 0% are Engineered Flooring. Afa Afzelia species go by a long list of names. However, Doussié/Afzelia is indispen-sable in shipbuilding and hydraulic engineering and as veneer it is also used for serial furniture (due to its low prices). Gelegentlich können Spalten im Kernholz auftreten, die mit andersfarbigen Ablagerungen (meist grau oder gelblich). Der Splint ist wie bei vielen Holzarten gelb bis grau. Die einzelnen Arten der Gattung Afzelia haben je nach Herkunft und Verbreitung unterschiedliche regionale Handelsnamen. Welche genauen Eigenschaften Afzelia hat, was es kostet, und worauf man bei der Verarbeitung achten muss, erfahren Sie in diesem Beitrag. Grown in: West & Central Africa. Das Kernholz hat nur in frischem Zustand eine helle, teilweise sogar gelbliche Farbe. Die Farbunterschiede zwischen den Frühholz- und Spätholzzonen sind nur … Afzelia Wood offer exceptional durability and stability This is a fine wood in itself, but it is one of the forest that is known for its resemblance to other species. The wood remains smooth under friction. The wood remains smooth under friction. Afzelia species are used primarily for wood, though some species also have medicinal uses.The timber is most commonly traded under the collective name "doussie", as well as under name "afzelia". 4 3/4″ Afzelia BR111 5/8″ Prefinished Solid Line The wood has a medium luster, and the texture is somewhat coarse. Doussie wood flooring is a very popular exotic hardwood with moderate to coarse texture and medium luster. It is one of the most popular imported flooring species used in Europe. It uses include fine flooring, furniture, decking, stair rails, and construction. The beautiful flamed graining is straight and slightly interlocked with a medium natural luster, and the texture is somewhat coarse. Categories: African veneer , exotic , hardwood , raw , sliced By admin 18. Afzelia shows only small movement with time. . Pieces containing pommele or blistered figure are sometimes exported and sold under the name Afzelia xylay, which is a shortened version of the botanical name of a particular Asian species, Afzelia xylocarpa. The grain is straight and slightly interlocked. Die Farbunterschiede zwischen den Frühholz- und Spätholzzonen sind nur gering, was dem Afzelia Holz ein sehr ein einheitliches Aussehen verleiht. Afzelia schwindet sehr wenig, trocknet aber nur langsam.

afzelia wood flooring

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